JavaScript History and features

Md. Samsul Shekh
2 min readMay 5, 2021

History of JavaScript:

JavaScript was created in 1995 by Branden Eich While he was engineer as netscape. JavaScript was first released in 1996 with netscape. Firstly it named was liveScript. Sometimes later, liveScript change to javaScript for its marketing purpose. Because, that time Java is most popular programming language.

Types of javaScript:

JavaScript is multi-paradigm and dynamic language with types and operator. JavaScript types are:

  1. Number
  2. String
  3. Boolean
  4. Symbol
  5. Object
  6. Null
  7. Undefined

JavaScript number:

Number is primitive wrapped object used to represent and manipulate like 55 or -26. Values of other types can be converted number using the number() function.

Javascript string:

String is alphabet which make word. and word make sentence. Usually javscript sting define by double quotation or single quotation. Some times we need using nember as string. When number using double quotation the number converted string.


Variable like a container where we contain data. Javascript declared variable one of three keywords. Declaration variable are var, let, const. Var is old version. When javascript updated in 2015, they are also implement let and const.


Every programming language have operators. Javascript have also operators. Javascript numeric operators are +, -, *, /. Javascript have also functional operators ++,- -.

Javascript object:

Javascript object is container of variables. Object also container of array. When we need data in specific information. Then we set this iformation in a object.

Javascript array:

Javascript array like a special object. They work like an regular object. But a big difference between object and array is array can’t container of arrays, but object contains of arrays.

Javascript function:

Along with object, function are the core component in understanding javascript. function have 0 or more parameters. We use same thing with repeat code and easily implement by function.

Anonymous function:

Anonymous function is a function which have no name, and this function call directly. Sometimes we need to use anonymous function. Anonymous function make to save our time.



Md. Samsul Shekh

I am samsul. I am a frontend developer.